Friday, November 11, 2022

My Take on Educational Blogging

Before this semester, I had not considered educational blogging as a teacher, and honestly, did not even know what it was. An education blog is a blog that teachers can use to communicate with students, parents, and even other educators about instructional resources, class announcements, student projects, and other things happening in the classroom. It can also be a way for teachers to share their educational philosophies and opinions on topics within the field of education. Educational blogs allow for teachers to connect with one another, as well as parents and students, in a different and engaging way. From my own short experience with educational blogging, I have found that it can be a creative outlet for teachers to candidly express their thoughts and experiences in the field of education.

Woman with blonde hair, glasses, and a pink sweater sitting
at a desk with computer. She is typing and focused on
the computer screen.
I have also gotten to interact with the blogs of some of my peers, and appreciate blogging in this way, as I am able to learn from my classmates. I specifically want to discuss several of my classmates blogs that discuss diversity within the classroom setting, and ways that a teacher can make their classroom a more inclusive place. Since first deciding to become a teacher, one of my main goals has been to make my classroom a place where all of my students feel safe, heard, and free to express themselves, and these blogs have provided me some ideas about how to create this kind of environment. The first blog that I want to discuss is Tony Clark's post about the importance of listening to student voice. This blog discusses the importance of listening to student opinions and feedback. Some strategies that this blog post includes about how best hear student voices within the classroom are giving anonymous surveys, talking to students one-on-one, and having a class discussion. I think that these are all great ways that teachers can hear students' opinions, and change their classrooms in ways that will benefit their students and their learning. The second blog that I read is Chloe Rainey's post about the importance of culturally diverse literature within the classroom. This post discusses the importance of teachers bringing a variety of literature into their classroom libraries that is reflective of students and their diverse experiences. I think that this is such an important issue that many white, cisgender teachers may not think about. It is important to provide students with books about a variety of people and experiences of different races, disabilities, socioeconomic statuses, religions, family structures, gender identities, etc. Providing culturally diverse literature to our students in the classroom will allow students to feel safer within the classroom, will give students space to talk about their own experiences, and can teach students to celebrate their differences. The final blog that I want to discuss is Corrine Kamien's post about LGBTQIA+ students and inclusivity within the classroom. This post discusses the importance of making students that may identify as part of this community, or may have loved ones that do, feel safe, respected, and comfortable in their classroom. When students feel safe, they are able to learn better, and will contribute their very valuable experiences and ideas to class discussions and projects. Respecting the identities and experiences of all students will not only enhance their learning experiences, but also the learning experiences of their classmates. I think that it is important to be a role model for my students, and creating a classroom environment that celebrates student diversity and makes all of my students feel valued and safe, will also help my students to learn to be open-minded and kind individuals. 

Overall, my experience with educational blogging has been very positive, and I have enjoyed writing about my own experiences and opinions in the field of education. I think that educational blogging is something that I will try to continue, especially as a classroom teacher. This blog can be a great way to get parents more involved and inform them about student projects, and events in the classroom. I also think that educational blogging will be something that I do with my students. Writing blog posts has been a very pleasant and liberating experience for me personally, and I have found that it has allowed me to share opinions that I previously did not have a platform to share. My students can definitely benefit from creating blog posts, and interacting with the posts of their peers. Student blog posts can also be a way for me, as the teacher, to monitor students ideas and thoughts about my classroom environment, as well as a way for parents to connect with their children while they are in the classroom. Blog posting is something new to me, and I still have a lot to learn, but I think that blogging can be a great resource and outlet for both me and my students. 

My Take on Educational Blogging

Before this semester, I had not considered educational blogging as a teacher, and honestly, did not even know what it was. An education blog...